Rabu, 26 Disember 2012


Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi 
Centre for Islamic Development Management Studies (ISDEV)
School of Social Sciences
Universiti Sains Malaysia
11800 Penang, Malaysia.
Tel: 04-6532803; Mobile: 019-5183823;
Fax: 04-6532124
E-mail: hshukeri@yahoo.com

Abstract: In solving Islamic-related problems, some Muslims hold to the belief that conventional ideas embedded in unIslamic worldview and philosophical construct can be used as long as they are not contrary to Islamic teachings. Such a stance has become a sort of philosophical underpinnings in Islamic education. One main justification given was the acceptance and adoption of the Jahilliyyah practices by Rasulullah SAW himself during his life time. But the question is, what was the nature of these Jahiliyyah-originated practices adopted and practiced by Rasulullah SAW? Were they adopted and practiced in full without any changes or were they revamped hence the difference? This paper attempts to seek for the answer through two main purposes. Firstly, to identify the Jahiliyyah practices allegedly to have still been accepted and practiced in Islam. Secondly, to analyze the worldview of these Jahiliyyah-originated practices within an Islamic philosophical construct. The analysis will be based on selected practices of the Jahiliyyah that have been adopted by Rasulullah SAW. This historiography study concludes that the similarities of these practices if any, eventhough seem to be similar to those practiced by the Jahiliyyah, only evolved around their names and terms, while the structures and its roots have been revamped by Rasulullah SAW. The concept of practices in Islam too is vastly different from the Jahiliyyah practices as they have been formed by an Islamic worldview which includes the elements of akidah, ibadah and akhlaq. The revelations received by Rasulullah SAW themselves are the proofs that Islam is absolutely free from Jahiliyyah practices. The arguments that are used by those who advocate the usage of conventional ideas to solve the problems that are related to Islam therefore are incorrect. When their justifications are refuted, then their claims inevitably have to be similarly denied. 

Keywords: Jahiliyyah, Islamic Worldview, Islamic Philosophical Construct, Historiography

A paper is presented at 2nd International Conference Sultan Omar ‘Ali Saifuddien Centre for Islamic Studies (SOASCIS), organized by SOASCIS, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), at UBD, on 5-7 November.

Rabu, 26 September 2012


Nota: Artikel yang ditulis oleh Prof. Datuk Dr. Sidek Baba (2009). “Kemelut Palestin Yang Tiada Kesudahan”, Milenia Muslim, Thn. 9, Bil. 122, Oktober, Kuala Lumpur: MMP Communications Sdn. Bhd., hlm. 66-67.

Khamis, 20 September 2012


Tasawur pemikiran Melayu mengalami evolusi yang cukup panjang. Ia dikatakan bermula dengan tasawur primitif sebelum beralih kepada tasawur Hindu-Buddha dan tasawur Islam. Persoalannya, apakah dengan kedatangan Islam sekitar abad ke-12 hingga ke-15 Masehi tasawur pemikiran orang Melayu itu berjaya dicorakkan oleh tasawur Islam? Adakah elemen-elemen tasawur primitif dan Hindu-Buddha yang berpengaruh dalam pemikiran orang Melayu berjaya dirobah sepenuhnya? Untuk menjawab kedua-dua persoalan ini, makalah ini cuba memfokuskan perbincangan kepada tiga perkara utama, iaitu tasawur primitif, tasawur Hindu-Buddha dan tasawur Islam.

Selasa, 14 Ogos 2012


Oleh Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi
ISDEV Paper Series, No. 13
Cetakan Pertama, 2010
25 Muka Surat

Makalah ini bertujuan meneliti dan menganalisis kedudukan tasawwur Islam dalam pembangunan berteraskan Islam (PBI). Tasawwur Islam di sini merujuk kepada gambaran bentuk Islam yang hakiki. Ia menjadi keyakinan dan amalan dalam kehidupan umat Islam. Setiap individu yang mendapat gambaran bentuk Islam yang hakiki ini, hubungannya dengan Pencipta dan sesama makhluk akan menjadi baik. Kenyataan ini jelas mempamerkan tasawwur Islam sebagai acuan dalam mencorakkan segala kehidupan manusia. Jika tasawwur Islam sebagai acuan kepada kehidupan manusia, apakah pula kedudukannya dalam teori PBI? Kertas kerja ini akan cuba menjawab persoalan ini dengan menganalisis tiga perkara utama. Pertama ialah meneliti konsep PBI. Kedua pula ialah meninjau konsep dan elemen-elemen asas tasawwur Islam, manakala ketiga ialah menganalisis tasawwur Islam yang diletakkan sebagai acuan PBI. Hal ini dibuat dengan menumpukan perbincangan kepada pandangan pemikir PBI Muhammad Syukri Salleh dan tokoh-tokoh pemikir Islam kontemporari yang lain. Semua pandangan ini ditinjau berdasarkan penulisan-penulisan yang sedia ada. Akhirnya makalah ini merumuskan bahawa tasawwur Islam itu sememangnya acuan kepada pembinaan konsep dan pelaksanaan teori PBI.

**** Makalah ini adalah versi semakan kertas kerja bertajuk Meletakkan Tasawwur Sebagai Acuan Pendidikan Islam: Kes Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam yang telah dibentangkan di The First AMRON (ASEAN Muslim Research Organization Network) International Conference, anjuran Walailak University, pada 2 hingga 3 Oktober 2010, di Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand.

Sabtu, 4 Ogos 2012


Artikel ini bertujuan menjelaskan perbezaan antara pembangunan berteraskan Islam dengan pembangunan lazim. Kedua-duanya didapati bukan sahaja berbeza dari aspek kemunculannya, tetapi juga dari aspek akar umbinya atau tasawurnya. 

Artikel Mohd Shukri Hanapi yang disiarkan dalam Berita Harian, 18 Jun 2012 (Rabu), hlm.N6

Selasa, 31 Julai 2012


By Dr. Fadzila Azni Ahmad
ISDEV Paper Series, No. 11
First Print, 2010
22 pages

This article focusses on the discussion pertaining to the philosophical underpinnings of Islamic management method. It represents the elements that should form the basic of determining and characterising Islamic management method and to differentiate it with the conventional management method (for example, the Total Quality Management (TQM), the Quality Control Cirlces (QCC) and the Business Process Reengineering (BPR)). The basic elements referred to are worldview (tasawwur), epistemology and ontology of the management method itself. 

*** This paper originally presented at The Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) Internal Seminar of the Islamic Development Bank in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 12 May 2010.


Jumaat, 27 Julai 2012


Artikel Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi yang disiarkan dalam Berita Harian, Rabu, 6 Jun 2012, hlm.N6.

PANDUAN: Kepada para pengunjung yang berminat untuk membaca mana-mana artikel yang dimuatkan dalam blog ini dengan jelas, sila letakkan mouse anda pada artikel yang berkaitan, kemudian klikkan button sebelah kanan mouse anda itu. Setelah itu, akan dipaparkan satu senarai arahan. Anda dikehendaki memilih "SAVE IMAGE AS". Apabila sesebuah artikel itu telah dimuat turun dan disimpan dalam PC atau laptop anda, InsyaAllah ia akan dapat dibaca dengan jelas. Cuma anda perlu perbesarkan image sahaja. Selamat membaca.

Khamis, 26 Julai 2012


Artikel Ustaz Dr. Mohd Shukri Hanapi yang disiarkan dalam Majalah Milenia Muslim, Tahun 9, Bil. 116, April 2012, hlm.44-45.

PANDUAN: Kepada para pengunjung yang berminat untuk membaca mana-mana artikel yang dimuatkan dalam blog ini dengan jelas, sila letakkan mouse anda pada artikel yang berkaitan, kemudian klikkan button sebelah kanan mouse anda itu. Setelah itu, akan dipaparkan satu senarai arahan. Anda dikehendaki memilih "SAVE IMAGE AS". Apabila sesebuah artikel itu telah dimuat turun dan disimpan dalam PC atau laptop anda, InsyaAllah ia akan dapat dibaca dengan jelas. Cuma anda perlu perbesarkan image sahaja. Selamat membaca.

Rabu, 25 Julai 2012


Artikel Ustaz Shahir Akram Hassan yang disiarkan dalam Milenia Muslim, Tahun 9, Bil. 118, Jun 2012, hlm. 60-61.

Jumaat, 20 Julai 2012


Edited by Abdul Kabir Hussain Solihu 
ISBN 978-967-0225-63-0
First Edition, 2011
280 pages

Modern civilization has brought many unprecedented achievements in science and technology but  has equally generated a wide array of complicated issues that have been addressed from different perspectives. The absence or marginalization of the Divine-inspired civilizational worldview, the true vision of reality and the meaningfulness of existence has led to the deterioration of the quality of life, the degeneration of social order and the erosion of religious values. This book contains chapters that cut across several disciplines adressing social, psychological, political, environmental, developmental, medical, communicational and conceptual issues from the ethico-religious perspective. It deals with the Islamic vision of progress and development and its solution to human predicaments. The book adresses the centrality of morality to human nature and the role of religious ethics in coping with challenges brought about by modern secular civilization.
From: IIUM Press


Editor: Abdelaziz Berghout  

First Edition 2009
222 pages

This book sheds some light on the Islamic Worldview and its vital role in the renewal of the Muslim Ummah. In principle, the Islamic worldview stands as the cementing force behind the making of the Islamic civilization and its progress in history and society. The book deals with the Islamic worldview not only from a theological perspective, but more importantly from a comprehensive perspective stressing its civilizational implications in the life of the Muslim and the Ummah as well. On the other hand, this book provides important information on the various aspects of the Islamic worldview as well as the western worldview so as to assist the reader to grasp and appreciate the distinctive features of Islam and its vision of life. This book creatively summarizes many scattered ideas and ties together many important aspects of the Islamic worldview reflecting its coherent and consistent vision of life. Additionally, it highlights the essential role of the concept of TawÍÊd in human existence and life. Last but not least, this book adds another vital brick into the works and studies related to the Islamic worldview, opening a new horizon on this field of study.

From: IIUM Press

Rabu, 18 Julai 2012



The conventional development (PL) and the Islamic-based development (PBI) are two different entities. PL is developed from the conventional worldview while PBI is developed from the Islamic worldview. As such, is it suitable to adapt and adopt PL for the development of Muslim countries? Could it solves the problems related to Islam? Based on this issue this study attempts to study the PBI worldview. It is carried out based on the thematic exegesis of the Qur‘an to achieve three research objectives. First is to identify the verses on development worldview in the Qur‘an. Second is to analyse the identified development worldview verses from the Qur‘an based on the thematic exegesis. Third is to develop the development worldview based on the identified verses of the Qur‘an. In attaining all the objectives, an exploratory qualitative and descriptive research using historical and content analysis methods are employed. The historical analysis method is used to analyse the incidents that provided the reasons for the revelation of the verses. The content analysis method on the other hand is used to identify, collate and analyse the meaning of the development worldview verses in the Qur‘an. These two methods employed are then adapted to the thematic exegesis method. The results from these showed that this research managed to uncover the development worldview verses in the Qur‘an. All these verses explain one of the three fundamental elements of worldview that is Allah SWT as the Creator, humans as the creation as well as the natural resources also as the creations. After these verses were analysed, six conceptual elements of development worldview in the Qur‘an is formulated that is al-tawhid (Oneness of Allah), al-‘ubudiyyah (servitude of self/worship to Allah), khalifah fi al-ard (vicegerent on earth), mawarid al-tabii (natural resources), al-azminah - alam al-ruh, ‘alam al-dunya wa ‘alam al-akhirah (time frame – world of al-ruh, present world, and the world hereafter), and mardat Allah (pleasures of Allah). The core element to these six conceptual elements of development worldview is al-tawhid. Based on these six conceptual elements of development worldview in the Qur‘an, the PBI worldview is built. It possesses its own strengths as it is based on revelation; its core is al-tawhid; its basic elements which include aspects of Allah SWT as the Creator, humans and the natural resources as the creations; its time frame encompasses the realm of world of al-ruh, present world, and the world hereafter; and its objective is to attain the pleasures of Allah SWT.